Travel Options

I don’t usually promote businesses, I quit buying T-shirts with company logo, and I am not being paid to write this blog.  But, I just wanted to share, what we have found to be a great way to travel, Airbnb.   We have been using Airbnb for several years, and have not been disappointed yet.

Our recent trip to Canada was no exception.  The first apartment in Niagara Falls was only ten minutes away from the falls.  Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, you would never guess there were thousands of people just minutes from here.

Trying to find a hotel in Toronto under $250 was almost impossible.  Thanks to this gem, we could afford to stay in the city for four nights.

And, finally, at the Bay of Quinte we had so much space we almost got lost!

I’m not a camper, so this has been a great way for us to travel.  All of these apartments were right at, or just under $100 per night.  Just saying. . .


What’s your favorite way to travel?