Absent Hiker

It’s been too long since I’ve been on a trail, I hope to remedy that by the end of the year. The fires are out thanks to some much needed rain, but my body is not cooperating with my desire to be in the woods.

About 3 weeks ago, I injured my right hip while attempting the very daring task of descending to our basement.  Not sure how I got twisted on the stairs, but I had to be helped into a chair, given lots of Ibuprofen and an ice bag.  Since then, the slightest turn can set off the pain.  I believe the fact that I have knee issues (left knee) has made my right side vulnerable, so it was just a matter of time.

I’m exercising and stretching daily, and seem to be getting stronger, but have unfortunately missed out on some perfect hiking weather.  Now it’s cold.

Not really looking for sympathy, just letting you know I have not abandoned hiking or blogging.

Wishing all of you a very happy holiday season – whatever you celebrate!


12 thoughts on “Absent Hiker

  1. Oh crum! I’m so sorry to hear you’re nursing an injury. I had foot surgery this time last year, and I remember how hard it was not being able to walk. I hope the ice and anti-inflammatory meds do the trick, Karen. Thanks for popping in to WordPress to let us know.


  2. With all our talk about the March and with Divas, I haven’t even asked about your hip this past week! I’m so sorry! We really do need to catch up. Emailing now!


  3. What bad luck! Those of us who are on the go a lot, really have difficulty acclimating to kicking back to heal an injury. You have great positive mental attitude and a passionate will to get back to hiking. You’ll make it… just follow your gut – it’ll let you know when you’re ready to get back out there! 🙂


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